Reusability of code
Portability of code to other code bases
Obscurity of internal data (as interactions happen on outer functional bases)
Can be replaced with other objects as needed
In programming, a class is a category of objects– an individual object may be an instance of a given class.
Classes are not independent applications, but are declared and called.
Declarations include:
Modifiers for access
A capitalized name
A single parent class (if applicable), with syntax extends Parent
Interface(s), with syntax implements firstInterface, subsequentInterface
Code block for the body of the class within curly braces {}
Binary : “Base-two” numeral system. Conventionally represented with characters “0” and “1”. Used in computing as most basic analogue to on/off or unpowered/powered state.
Decimal : “Base-ten” numeral system. Characters usually used are “0”, “1” through “9”. Extremely common for most types of measurement in the contemporary world.
Hexadecimal : “Base-sixteen” numeral system (contemporary characters used are : “0”, “1” through “9”, and “A” through “F”).